Abuse Therapy Counselling in Hebden Bridge

Do you suffer from issues of abuse? Explore these issues and your feelings with the aid of a counsellor.

Together we can facilitate a journey to process your issues in the safety and confidence of a personal counsellor.

Nightmares or flashbacks can haunt you. Together we can address and challenge them.

Fear of the abused becoming the abuser? Together we can confront and stop the generational reach of abuse.

Addressing and talking about abuse can be one of the most challenging decisions you make. Digging up buried memories can hurt, and it can be a painful process. But together, knowing that you can explore and share your issues in confidence, we can face and beat your past, giving you a future free of the pain, anxiety and hurt that the abuse has given you.

Gareth Parry RMBACP AccredNCPS
Professional, Therapeutic Counsellor
